Post-Doc Positions
Open Post-Docs Positions for InSight in France
Post-docs positions are currently available for two projects : MAGIS (ANR/CNES) and Horizon 2020.
NASA InSight mission has landed on Mars in late 2018 and is sending back since February high quality seismic and meteorological data, including 20 sample per seconds 3 axis Very Broad Band (VBB) ground velocity data and 10 sample per second pressure data.
In the frame of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche MAGIS project (MArs Geophysics with InSight) and with the support of the French Space Agency, CNES, 5 postdoc positions are open in France in Planetary seismology, Planetary atmospheric Science, Planetary acoustic and high pressure/mineralogy :
Postdoc at Toulouse ISAE-SUPAERO
She/He will participate to the analysis, understanding and inversion of the recorded ground deformation related to atmospheric pressure waves and variations. The analysis of the first set of INSIGHT records clearly demonstrates that these data are capable of providing new constraints on Mars atmosphere physics.
The first objective of the postdoc will be to process extensively INSIGHT records in order to constrain the source and propagation of Mars atmospheric waves. A second objective will be to link these observations to Mars atmosphere dynamics. In order to do so, the applicant will define a way to use and develop numerical simulation codes in order to simulate the various observations. Contact: Dr. Raphael Garcia (rThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Detailed offer in PDF.
Postdoc at Toulouse IRAP
The goal of the postdoc project is measure the elastic parameters and the sound velocities (Vp, Vs) of minerals candidate for Mars' mantle. The final goal is the estimation of the mineralogical composition of the mantle of Mars from the Mars Insight SEIS data. He/She will perform high-pressure high-temperature experiments in conjunction with synchrotron X-ray radiation and ultrasonic interferometry.
The position requires a highly motivated applicant with an interest in high pressure and temperature physics and chemistry, and planetary science. The candidate should have a background in either high-pressure experiments or elasticity of solids. Contact: Frédéric Béjina (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Detailed offer in PDF.
Postdoc position in Paris at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD)
She/He will carry out research aiming at characterizing the meteorological signals at all spatial and temporal scales, as recorded by InSight’s weather station or seismometers. For the local turbulent scale, Large Eddy Simulations will be used in order to approach the upper frequency of measurements and to study the complete turbulent spectrum on Mars.
For the global scale and the mesoscale, the search and expected analysis of global weather, slope winds, gravity waves, bores will push the LMD Mars Global Climate Model toward unprecedented horizontal (<15 km) and vertical resolution. In complement to that high resolution GCM approach, the LMD Mars Mesoscale Model will be employed to analyze mesoscale atmospheric signatures in the specific region of the InSight landing site. Contact: Dr. Aymeric Spiga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Detailed offer in PDF.
Postdoc position in Nice at Lagrange-Observatoire de Nice
One of the key objectives of the InSight mission is to constrain how the crust of Mars formed and evolved over time, from the initial differentiation of the planet to subsequent modification by magmatic and impact processes. From seismic measurements, the InSight mission will provide definitive information about the deep structure of the crust of Mars. We expect to determine the crustal thickness at the InSight landing, to detect any large-scale layering that might be present within the crust, and to quantify scattering processes that may be a result of impact fracturing of the crust.
He/She will investigate global processes concerning crust formation, bulk crustal composition, and magmatic and impact modification of the Martian crust. Depending on the expertise of the candidate, projects could involve thermal evolution modeling, remote sensing studies of bulk crustal composition, studies of the bulk composition of Mars using sample data, gravity studies of the crust and upper mantle, or seismic methods that could constrain lateral variations in crustal thickness. Contact: Dr. Mark Wieczorek (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Detailed offer in PDF.
Application deadline : extended to September, 2020.
Postdoc position in Paris at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
After more than one year of operation, the InSight mission has now recorded several hundred of events and has collected long time series for the 6 seismic channels and pressure/wind channels. These data sets enable now systematic data analysis, enabling stack/cross-correlation on both events and noise and enhancement of the signal to noise thanks to pressure decorrelation and other noise correction technics.
The goal of this postdoc will be to develop more and more automatic seismic signal processing technics on the InSight SEIS data pipeline, on both the detected events and on noise, and to initiate waveform inversions for 1D and 3D structure with local and regional events, including through the search of long period signals associated to either events or to continuous excitation of Mars micro-seismic noise. Contact: Pr Philippe Lognonné (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Detailed offer in PDF.
General informations
The duration of the contracts varies from 15 months to 24 months and can start on April 1st. Salary follows French university standards and depends on the research experience since the PhD defense. All basic insurance benefits are provided. Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and contact information for a minimum of two references. See additional details for each application.
Application received by February, 20th, will be considered for the first selection process, but the positions will remain open until filled.
Last updated : 16 april 2020